Skanfil boost Customer Experience with RamBase Auction Software
While operating in an industry dominated by collectables and nostalgia, Skanfil understood that modern technology was a must-have to stay on the forefront. With RamBase, the auction house gained more control of their operations and are able to deliver world class customer experiences.

“Everything is connected in RamBase, which makes it a lot easier to have control on our business, which is pretty complex”, manager of Skanfil Heureka, Magnar Pettersen says.
Heureka auction is a relatively new concept with a wider range of items than Skanfil traditionally has auctioned. For well over 40 years they’ve mainly been in the business of collectables and historic items like stamps, postcards and coins. With an increasing popularity of antiques and retro interior, Heureka gives new life to old treasures.
“The world is changing, so we needed to invest in technology and solutions that takes care of our customers in the best way possible. It really makes us stand out from others in our industry. With updated systems, our customers have control of their purchases and sold items. With a few clicks, they can check an item’s full history. That is very valuable to them, and therefore to us as well”, Pettersen says.
A fantastic tool
“It was an exciting challengeing, because i knew right away that we needed to do some changes. The company has been in the business for over 40 years, and that was not hard to see. Our competitors was breathing down our necks. We needed to invest to become a more modern, tech-driven company”, Nekstad says.
RamBase is involved from A to Z in Skanfil’s everyday life. The system connects everything together, from a customer hands in a lot, until it’s sold, packed and delivered to a new owner. It keeps control of invoicing, logistics, online auctions and customer accounts, a major advantage for buyers and sellers.
“It simply is a fantastic tool when it comes to auctioning. A lot of our customers are also sellers, so it’s great to have a system that keeps track of the finances in a real time. With RamBase, we have a platform that takes care of everything, both for us and our customers. It gives us control of our operations and allow us to provide a better customer service”, Nekstad says.