Auction activities
RamBase allows to prepare, run and settle all auction activities in one system. The functionality includes creating auction events, registering and clasifying lots, conducting auctions, registering bids, and bid alerts, hammer lots, perform aftersale, settle accounts, create customer and seller invoices, send reports to the customers.
Consignment / Receive lots
In RamBase you can classify, describe, value and schedule a lot for both online and podium (classic) auctions. In cases where the seller has more than one object to sell, all objects can be grouped into collections. RamBase also allows uploading pictures and documents for all lots. When RamBase is integrated with your website, you can choose to import pictures to your website directly from RamBase. Pictures can be added to RamBase manually one by one or imported via FTP in multiple numbers via batch jobs.
Department / Classification
The departments can be created and administered based on the needs of each auction. The application allows the user to categorize all lots in a hierarchical classification. This feature is used as a base for sorting lots in required order for the catalogue creation and displaying lots on your website. It also assigns object numbers accordingly.
Prepare an auction
RamBase allows you to have two types of auctions; podium/combined (classic) and online. Podium and combined auctions usually are active for a fixed period, while online auctions can last for years. This means that you can continue adding new lots to your online auction at any time. The event will include title, description, scheduling, statistics and list of lots assigned. RamBase will assign lot numbers and sort lots in a required order. Lots are described and assigned to an auction event, prices are set, and pictures are uploaded before the lot is scheduled and ready for bidding.
Conduct an auction
When lots are scheduled, they are activated and ready for bidding. Bids can be created from online resources, via telephone, absentee bid and regular bid notes. An active auction and scheduled objects will be visible on your website if this is chosen. The podium application displays three lots at the time; the previous lot, the current on the podium and the forthcoming lot. The auctioneer will have an overview of lot info, price info, bidder info (if it exits), picture of the objects and more. Auctioneer can hammer either one lot at a time or multiple lots, if desired.
There are four ways to place a bid; with a bid note, absentee bid, online web (resource) and live in the auction room on the auction day. RamBase supports group bidding and maximum amount on bid notes. Objects with bids at the podium room will be sold when the auctioneer hammers on the podium. Lots without bids will remain unsold and can be returned to the client, sold by estimated price on aftersale or assigned to another auction. In cases where a buyer wants to retrieve an object before the auction has ended, there is an application for easy handling of payment and collection of bought lots.
Auction settlement
The RamBase auction balance tool provides auction houses with all the relevant information needed to perform the auction settlement successfully. The settlement process involves clearing (counter accounting) for both sellers and buyers which can result in disbursement to seller or invoicing of buyers after the auction has ended. It also shows information about credit on the client account and payments that have already been made.
Close auction / Aftersales
When the auction has ended and the auction house chooses to close the auction, the system will automatically issue customer orders and generate shipping documents. All the bidnotes for the auction will be closed automatically in the same process. Sold objects will be ready to be shipped to the clients, and unsold objects can be moved to a new auction, placed in aftersale for the estimated price or returned to suppliers.
Other features:
Seller Relation Management
Allows you to maintain all seller related information in one place. Seller dialogues, shipping information, payment terms and lots consigned will be stored and accessible at any time.
Buyer Relationship Management
Help you manage buyers registration, commissions and fees, bidding history and account balance.
Helps you to handle all aspects of your finances: general ledger, account payable, account receivable, cash management, budgeting and tax handling.
Be sure you get your logistics right: lot reception, shipping, customs and deviation management.
Cut down on administration time with tools as cloude file storage and management, message and notes, contact management, personnel management, reports generator, custom role-base access and cloud printing handling.